The EB uses its capabilities to support public institutions reforms in line with the government's vision. It also helps government agencies develop their institutional structure, improve their communication with donors and international partners, and design and implement more effective and efficient strategies and plans. This is in turn reflected in their performance and service delivery to citizens.
The EB is committed to expanding its partnerships, believing that they are essential for mobilizing resources and creative ideas, as well as for promoting transparency and accountability within government institutions.
Our partnership principles

International Growth Centre (IGC)

British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SaudiDRPY)

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

World Bank – Yemen

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO – Yemen)

European Commission– Yemen (EU)

Local partners (State Institutions)
The EB prepares its work programs and interventions based on the directions and priorities of various state institutions, including:
Presidential Leadership Council (PLC)
Yemen Cabinet, and Ministers
Economic Team (ET)
Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation
The EB cooperates with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation to respond to a number of different donor requests related to priorities for interventions and development projects.
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries
The EB, in cooperation with the International Growth Centre, conducted an assessment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries' institutional capacity. The EB provided capacity building for the ministry based on the assessment recommendations.
Ministry of Electricity and Power
The EB is working with the Ministry of Electricity to implement several projects aimed at supporting the ministry's capacity to provide services and sector reforms.
Ministry of Communications
The EB prepared a policy paper for reforming the communications sector in cooperation with the International Growth Centre.
The EB, in collaboration with the International Growth Center, has conducted an assessment of the institutional capacities of the ministry. The executive body has provided a capacity-building program for the ministry based on the evaluation's recommendations. The ministry has focused on improving its capacity to absorb donor commitments, policy formulation, and implementation.
Ministry of Higher
The EB has supported the ministry in receiving and managing the grant provided by the Saudi Program for Development and Reconstruction of Yemen, which covers the expenses of Yemeni students studying abroad.
Ministry of Education
The EB, with cooperation with the Ministry of Education, has conducted an evaluation of the factors that determine the ministry's capacity to absorb donor commitments, and it is working on capacity development based on the results of this evaluation.
Ministry of Finance